Scottish Longitudinal Study
Development & Support Unit

Research and Policy Briefs

Research and policy briefs give short easy-to-digest summaries of existing LS work, or statistics relevant to a given topic. If there is a particular topic that you or your organisation would like an overview of, please get in touch.

Secondary school absences and adolescents’ post-school destinations – Evidence from the Scottish Longitudinal Study

Klein, M., Sosu, E, Lillywhite, E (2022) European Association for Research on Adolescence, Dublin, 26th August 2022 [SLS]

Download output document: Research Brief (PDF 2 MB)
Output from project: 2018_007

An exploration of educational outcomes for children with disabilities

Cox, F (2019) Scottish Government Policy Brief Distribution 15/11/18 [SLS][CALLS]

Download output document: Research Policy Brief (PDF 329kb)
Output from project: 2015_006

Consequences and risk factors of young people not in education, employment or training (NEET)

Feng, Z., Everington, D., Ralston, K., Dibben, C., Raab, G. & Graham, E. (2016) CALLS Hub Research Brief 3. 18 April 2016. [SLS][CALLS]

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In this project we explore consequences and risk factors of young people not in education, employment or training (NEET) over the past two decades. The project uses the Scottish Longitudinal Study (SLS) which links anonymised individual records from the 1991, 2001 and 2011 Censuses and a wide range of data from administrative sources. We find that being NEET is associated with adverse socioeconomic and health outcomes over the following 20-years. Individual, family, school and area-level factors are found to predict the likelihood of being NEET.

Download output document: Full paper (PDF 126kB)
Output from project: 2013_005

Inequalities in mental health: geographical perspectives

Curtis, S. (2016) Policy brief for NHS Scotland. [SLS]

Output from project: 2015_015

Tenure change in Scotland

Freeke, J. (2013) Making the Case for the Social Sciences No. 8: Longitudinal Studies. Academy of Social Sciences: London, 1 June 2013. [SLS]

Other information:

In the past 30 years there have been major shifts in housing tenure in Scotland, resulting initially from housing regeneration as well as 1980 legislation enabling council tenants to buy their homes, and more recently a doubling of the proportion of households living in private rented housing.

Jan Freeke, a senior planning analyst working for Glasgow City Council, researched recent tenure change using data from the Census of population, the Scottish Household Survey and the Scottish Longitudinal Study to better understand the demographic factors underlying changes in demand.

Available online: Link
Download output document: Full Report (PDF 393KB)
Output from project: 2007_009

Exploring the impact of selective migration on the deprivation-mortality gap within Greater Glasgow

Popham, F., Boyle, P., O'Reilly, D. & Leyland, A. (2010) GCPH Findings Series, Briefing Paper 24. GCPH: Glasgow. 1 March 2010. [SLS]

Other information:

The mortality gap between the least and most deprived areas in Greater Glasgow has widened in recent years. However, over the same period, Greater Glasgow’s most deprived areas have seen a significant loss of population, and it has been suggested that the widening mortality gap could be, in part, due to internal migration of healthier and wealthier individuals away from these areas rather than a relative worsening of health per se in these areas.

This idea was tested using data from the Scottish Longitudinal Study that links a 5.3% sample of the 1991 and 2001 Scottish censuses to each other and to mortality and other administrative records. ...

Available online: Link
Download output document: Full Paper (PDF 357KB)
Output from project: 2009_002

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